• Charlotte Alumni Chapter
    Contribute to the
    University's Development
    Join Us Today
    Our mission and role are to serve, involve, and inform
    by connecting Smithites to JCSU and each other.

Contribute to the University's Development

Our mission and role are to serve, involve, and inform by connecting Smithies to JCSU and each other

JCSU Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Who We Are

The Charlotte Alumni Chapter's objective and function are to connect Smithites to JCSU and each other to assist, involve, and inform them. For more information about goals and achievements, click the link below.:

The fund gives each person a minimum monetary grant of $2,000 per semester, for a total of $16,000 per academic year for all four recipients. The Chapter has previously funded three Smart Classrooms on campus ($45,000 each).


What an exciting time to be a Smithite!

On behalf of the entire membership, welcome to home page of the Johnson C. Smith University Charlotte Alumni Chapter. As the premier chapter with the ultimate in proximity to the University, our support of JCSU – her students, administration and staff – remain unweaving.

After reviewing the information contained within this site, we want to invite you to become a member of this enthusiastic band of alumni and friends. Our meetings are held the second Wednesday of each month with both in-person and virtual attendance options.

Meetings are packed with informative speakers and special guests who provide invaluable insights, opportunities and recommendations. This information helps shape the trajectory of the alumni association (local and national) concerning the University that we all love. We eagerly anticipate your participation.

Hold High the Gold and Blue,

Dr. Craig A. Bell

Craig Bell 2019 Headshot (1)

Join The Chapter

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

It is the most popular method of connecting to JCSU.

You'll discover numerous opportunities to stay in touch with your alma mater as a Golden Bull. Still, there's only one JCSU Alumni Association dedicated to keeping you informed and connected with the University through activities, programs, and events.

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Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Your degree becomes more valuable.

Alumni participation is one of several quality indicators used by the U.S. News & World Report to rank significant colleges in the United States. Your membership in the JCSU Alumni Association – Charlotte Chapter contributes to the prestige of JCSU, which elevates the value of the degree listed on your Curriculum Vitae. Joining the Alumni Association is beneficial to both JCSU and you.

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Charlotte Alumni Chapter

You'll also get tax savings!

Annual membership in the JCSU Alumni Association may be tax-deductible (donations made directly to the University), allowing you to lower your annual tax payment. Check with your tax expert to see if you qualify for this benefit.

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Our Objectives

The Charlotte Alumni Chapter's objective and function are to connect Smithites to JCSU and each other to support, involve, and inform them. Among the goals are:

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Foster, cultivate, and preserve the spirit of JCSU alumni loyalty and cooperation.

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Create a sense of belonging and camaraderie among JCSU alumni and friends.

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Financially support JCSU students, activities, and facilities.

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Encourage alumni to give back by donating to the University

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Recruit, engage and retain the Alumni Chapter's financial members.

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Contribute to the Endowed Scholarship Fund of the Charlotte Chapter.

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Increase the participation of Young Alumni in chapter activities.

Charlotte Alumni Chapter

Reach Out To Us


PO Box 32351, Charlotte, NC 28232

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