In general, the mission and role of the Charlotte Alumni Chapter is to serve, to involve, and to inform by connecting Smithites to JCSU and to each other. Goals include the following:
- Foster, cultivate, and maintain a spirit of loyalty and cooperation among alumni toward JCSU
- Develop camaraderie and fellowship among JCSU alumni and friends of the University
- Provide financial support for JCSU students, programs, and facilities
- Encourage alumni contributions to the University
- Recruit, engage, and retain financial membership for the Alumni Chapter
- Provide financial support for the Charlotte Chapter Endowed Scholarship Fund
- Involve more Charlotte and alumni from surrounding areas in chapter activities

There are over 1,800 Smith alumni in the Charlotte and surrounding areas, which presents enormous opportunities for us to recruit human and financial resources to support the Chapter, its programs, and the University. This also offers unique opportunities for fellowship, social activities, networking, and Community University involvement. The Charlotte Chapter has promoted fellowship by sponsoring bus trips to JCSU football (Virginia State) and basketball (Elizabeth City) games, sponsored a successful bus Casino Trip (Cherokee NC), sponsored a Meet & Greet (Open House at Mosaic Village) to spark local chapter involvement and new memberships, sponsored a Holiday Social event, and sponsored a private group “Mandela” movie showing. The Chapter encourages collaborative efforts among other University alumni groups and organizations, as well as with friends of the University.
The Charlotte Chapter has continued to fund the Endowed Scholarship Fund, which provides funds annually for students from the Charlotte and surrounding areas. The fund provides a minimum cash award of $2,000 per semester per recipient for a total distribution of $16,000 per academic year for all four recipients.